Couple Implanted With Another Couple’s Embryo Will Give Baby To His Genetic Parents Immediately Upon Birth

from my former blog —


Couple Implanted With Another Couple’s Embryo Will Give Baby To His Genetic Parents Immediately Upon Birth….

Honesty, sincerity, integrity! Can you imagine that? Here’s a couple, devastated to learn this past February that the pregnancy achieved through IVF was not their biological child, this couple makes the right decision to give the baby back to his rightful parents. The boy is not yet born. The couple is devastated that they are not pregnant with their own genetic child.

The genetic parents will be traveling to the hospital from another state for the delivery, but they will not be in the room for the cesarean delivery. Here’s the link to that story on CNN:

This unborn boy has the right to a truthful birth certificate. He also has rights to all of his parents.

I hope the authorities will document this boy’s conception and birth truthfully. He has two mothers. Even though the second father is not involved in conception and birth, he is emotionally connected to that baby. The couple who is going through this pregnancy has influenced this unborn baby with their voices, their emotions, their environment, and their love. They must be added to the boy’s birth certificate: the pregnant woman will give birth to a son who is not her genetic son! The genetic parents will have their newborn placed in their arms at birth. They should also be named on the child’s birth certificate. Information about the infertility clinic where he was conceived should also be named.

Visitation should be awarded to the parents who will relinquish their birth-son, and, from the boy’s perspective, he may also want to visit with these parents and their other children. After all, he was nurtured in his birth-mother’s womb and heard her other children’s voices. They are his siblings, even though they are not genetically related.